Castle Water offers online payments, which allows business owners to pay for their water and wastewater through several digital channels.
Billing doesn’t have to be complicated, and our portal makes the payment process straightforward, as we provide you with comprehensive information on your consumption. It’s a simple case of logging in, checking how much you have in your account, and topping up as you see fit.
This makes it easy to stay in credit, and allows you to be more flexible with your cash.
We understand that every business is unique, and look to offer a flexible approach that works best for your finance framework. As a Castle Water customer, you will receive consistent and accurate billing, with an option for live consumption oversight through our innovative Automatic Meter reading.
From there you can make use of one of the following payment options
You can set up a monthly payment based on your consumption. Work alongside our award-winning team to ensure that you are paying the correct monthly amount to comfortably cover your bills. This will also allow you to build up some credit in your account which you can keep handy for contingencies.
If you feel that you are overusing on water, you can set up Automatic Meter Reading which will identify opportunities for saving, and from there you can pay in your monthly amount, which you should see reducing little by little as you optimise your water consumption thanks to our helpful insight.
While you can pay us through the online portal, you can also set up payments on your end, through internet banking.
Choose one of the previous two options and pay into our bank account.
Bank: HSBC UK Bank PLC
Account Name: Castle Water
Sort Code: 40-11-60
Account Number: 80161942
If you choose to pay in this way, you must quote your Castle Water account number (e.g. TW123456789) as the reference, so we can allocate your payment correctly and promptly.
Save up to 80% on your fixed water charges
If you are struggling to make payments, or if something on your bill doesn’t look right and you would like to double-check with one of our experts, please get in touch through the customer portal.
Our team will give you all of the insight that you need to make online business water payments with confidence, and will do what we can to ensure that you are paying for bills with minimal disruption to your busy schedule.
When paying with us, if you own several businesses, it’s still covered by one payment thanks to our consolidated billing.
You still get all of the same insight and we can offer bespoke guidance for improving consumption at each site. However, when it comes time to pay, you’ll be doing the same amount of work as a single-site business owner; just one simple payment.