Business Water Supplier Milton Keynes

Helping Businesses in Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes has a fast-growing population, and as it was the first UK town developed specifically for business growth, the rate of businesses in the area is growing too. With over 14,000 registered companies in the council area, that equates to a lot of water needing to be used in many different ways every day.

Castle Water works with businesses of all sizes to figure out whether current water systems are working as efficiently as possible, and where savings can be made to try and keep bills to a minimum.

Castle Water supports businesses across the country. When businesses get in touch with us, our first priority is to get local agents to visit who will help carry out a water audit. These agents can pick up on overlooked areas which businesses may not realise they have water waste or are making small mistakes which are driving bills up.

Switching Water Supplier in Milton Keynes

It’s common for most businesses to not easily remember which water company they’re signed up to, or that it is straightforward to move to a new water company if you’re not happy with current billings and services. Since 2017, businesses can choose their water company just like they would any other utility provider.

At Castle Water, we make a point of getting to understand your business and what your relationship with water is. It sounds simple but it allows for a clear vision of how we can help and where your business can make improvements. We like to be more than the company that posts the bills; instead opting to make businesses more water-efficient.


Save up to 80% on your fixed water charges

We provide several services to business customers, including:

Where Milton Keynes Businesses get Water From

Did you know that Milton Keynes is considered one of the driest areas in the UK? Go out beyond the ring road around the county, and you won’t find many natural reservoirs or rivers. The area typically gets under 600mm of rain a year (nationally it is around 885mm).

With the area being dry, water needs to be able to move around to meet demand. The local network pulls mainly from groundwater sources that lie to the east of town. Water that filters through aquifer rock is pulled up from underground, cleaned and ready to use.

When levels are low, sometimes water will be redirected down from Ravensthorpe Reservoir up near Northampton.

Because we source water from underground, we get hard water.

Water Solutions for Milton Keynes’ Independent Businesses

Water bills can have a big impact on small, locally owned businesses which need to keep an eye on bills. We work with everything from local cafes and car washes to salons and nurseries with their water bills.

Anyone running a small business in Milton Keynes should click here to read more about our work with SMEs.

Better Water Billing for Large Businesses

With the M1 straddling to the right of town, Milton Keynes has many large businesses operating in warehouses, factories and processing centres. In many cases, we find larger businesses that have to use hundreds of litres of water every week and sometimes across multiple sites.

These are companies that should know how to save money on their wastewater management and have water contingency plans in place when local levels are low.

If problems like these sound familiar to you, please get in touch.

Based in Milton Keynes? Get in Touch

Castle Water is a leading water supplier in England. Want to see how Castle Water can help your business? Want more control over water and energy bills?

Please get in touch by calling us on 01250 718 700. Lines are open weekdays from 8 am.