Business Water Supplier Argyll and Bute

Helping Businesses in Argyll and Bute

Many people don’t realise that Argyll and Bute is the second biggest administrative area (just behind the Highlands). It is also one of the least densely populated. Many businesses in the area often find it hard to find accessible services which meet their business needs.

As the county is home to some of the best produce and natural attractions in Scotland, Castle Water knows that businesses which are focused on hospitality and food processing will benefit immensely from getting water bills (especially wastewater) brought down.

Popular areas in the county Castle Water can help in include:

  • Oban
  • Inverary
  • Lochgilphead
  • Helensburgh
  • Tobermory
  • Campbeltown

No matter where in the county your business is based, get in touch with Castle Water today to see if our team can help you make the switch.

Change Water Supplier in Argyll and Bute

At Castle Water, our team wants to be more than just the company you need to pay water bills to. It’s quite surprising how little many business water suppliers will offer their customers in terms of additional services and checks.

You can now change your water supplier and start taking advantage of all the benefits that Castle Water has to offer. It’s a simple and quick process that won’t take too much of your time: relax, while we take care of the details. Discover how to switch easily today.


Save up to 80% on your fixed water charges

When you become a Castle Water business customer in Argyll & Bute, you can avail of services like:

  • Water efficiency audits
  • Leak detection and repair
  • Consolidating billings
  • Smart meter installation
  • Trade effluent advice
  • Wastewater management

If any of these services are something you think your business needs help with, please contact us today for more information.

Where Does Argyll and Bute Get Water from?

Businesses throughout the county get water from numerous sources, be it rivers, nearby ponds, lochs etc. There are over 30 water treatment works dotted throughout the county, with some of the most notable being Port Charlotte & Kilmelford.

Major pipework improvements over the last few years, which will have seen you caught in a traffic jam or two, have helped improve connections for many homes and businesses.

Water Solutions for Businesses in Argyll and Bute

Due to the geography of the area, many businesses have a dedicated private supply they use to reduce reliance on the local network. While this is great for avoiding traditional water charges, businesses still need to ensure their wastewater levels are accurate and paid for accordingly.

Castle Water can help, especially if you feel you’re being charged far too much for wastewater. If you believe this to be the case, contact us to find out more.

Please get in touch to if your business doesn’t currently have contingency planning in place.

Improved Water Billing for Argyll & Bute’s Larger Businesses

This part of the world is known for amazing produce, and that means businesses in the food industry need to keep water bills to a minimum where possible. Castle Water can help with seeing which waste treatments will work best and if there are means to tailor wastewater management, so levels are reduced.

Regardless of the industry you’re based in, be it food & drink, agriculture, or hospitality, see how Castle Water can help.

Running a Business in Argyll and Bute? Get in Touch

Business owners in Argyll and Bute could see water bills come down when they get in touch with Castle Water. No matter if you are a multi-site business owner or a small manufacturing plant.

Call us today on 01250 718 700. Lines are open to take your calls from 8 am every weekday.