Under the Health & Safety regulations, businesses are responsible for providing an adequate supply of high-quality drinking water as well as suitable and sufficient toilet and washing facilities, including showers if appropriate to the type of work.
And under UK law, your company is responsible for paying for any water you use and for the drainage of liquid waste from your premises.
This probably doesn’t come as a surprise, but there are other responsibilities of care that you must take into account when it comes to water cleanliness.
Save on your fixed water charges
The water industry in the UK is regulated by Ofwat, the Water Services Regulation Authority. Ofwat’s primary role is to ensure that water companies deliver high-quality services to customers, maintain fair pricing, and follow strict regulations when it comes to customer transfers.
Ofwat’s Business Customer Code of Practice sets out the minimum standards that all retailers must comply with in their dealings with customers. It also sets out the minimum standards of behaviour that’s expected from retailers at every step of the customer’s journey.
The erroneous transfers that have been reported to us demonstrate malpractice that breaches Ofwat regulations and puts businesses at risk.