Millions Saved For Customers With Free AMR Project

As part of our commitment to help customers improve water efficiency, cut costs, and reduce their carbon footprint, Castle Water installed approximately 4,500 free Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) devices to eligible customers in 2021. The year-long project completed in December 2021, and saved customers over £2.67 million in installation costs, and a further £9 million per year in potential leakage costs.

A welcomed convenience for Castle Water customers

Taking control of utility usage inevitably leads to cost savings and more sustainable working practices. AMR is a device that attaches to an existing water meter. Unlike other low-cost, mass produced utility smart meters, that are not suitable for the water industry, AMR is specialised technology, designed to work with water meters that are often fitted underground.

As the name suggests, once installed, AMR takes regular meter readings automatically and submits them directly to the water retailer, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

Helping customers save money and protect the environment

Castle Water is committed to helping its business customers find practical ways to improve water efficiency to cut costs and protect the environment by reduce their carbon footprint.

The meter reading data collected by AMR is stored on online portal, arming customers with deeper insight into their water consumption patterns, giving them power to start saving water, and money.

Crucially, businesses have the option to set alarms within the portal to alert key personnel to unusual consumption activity, that could indicate a costly leak.

A customer saving that keeps on giving

The early warning of possible leaks, provided by AMR, will save Castle Water customers a further £9 million per year in potential leakage costs.

Castle Water CEO, John Reynolds, explained:

This is a welcomed convenience for any business, but we know it’s of particular benefit to our large and multi-site customers, and to our customers in the farming and agriculture industry.

“We want to be as helpful as possible to our customers, and this project has a real impact on how our customers view their water consumption as a way to make serious efficiencies to cut costs and reduce their carbon footprint.

In 2020, Castle Water supported one of it’s multi-site customers to trial AMR at ten sites to assess impact on achieving the customer’s environmental and cost reduction targets. Not only was the trial assessment a success, but it also uncovered a leak at one of the sites, with further analysis revealing several sites with historic billing issues and incorrect standing charges. In total, Castle Water’s customer saved almost £40,000 per year, equivalent to 10% of their annual water spend. A return on the total investment was achieved in just one year and the customer exceeded its own financial and environmental targets for reducing water consumption.

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