Our service focus on getting you the best deal on your business water. We take into account your unique business requirements, the sector you work in and your location among many other factors to ensure that you have access to the best possible business water savings.
Unlike other retailers our quotes don’t have hidden retail fees in the small print, and we don’t do exit charges. We have more 5-star customer reviews and more meter readers than any other UK water retailer. We’re fully independent from Wholesalers, and the only retailer taking all possible steps to resolve customer problems resulting from Wholesaler data errors.
UK businesses are fed up with getting fleeced by hidden retail charges, poor service and confusing bills from other water retailers. At Castle Water, we’ve found a better way to do business water.
Unlike other retailers, our quotes don't have sneaky fees in the small print.
With our monthly in arrears option, you wont pay your water bills in advance.
We're the top-dogs for trade effluent services - we make the process simple for you.
Log in to your online portal to view bills, submit meter readings, check your usage and more.
Experience better billing, exceptional service, and significant savings with Castle Water. Our expert team will walk you through how to switch water supplier step by step. Switch and save on your fixed water charges today.
See how much your business could save. Get a free online quote for your business water and wastewater services. Simply enter your postcode and a few details to start the switching process today.